Envision Carlton

Thanks to everyone who shared their aspirations for Carlton at the Fire District Hall last night!  We recorded a lot of important ideas and vision statements that we will use to craft a vision statement over the coming weeks. We invite all Carlton community members to complete the online questionnaire currently available at the Envision Carlton website. Please bookmark this site as your information hub for the Envision Carlton project.

There were many questions about comprehensive planning and its relationship to state regulations. First, the city’s existing comprehensive plan web page has some good information on comprehensive plans and a link to the document itself. Several people asked for more information about Oregon’s Statewide Planning Goals. Please note that, as a city, the goals that apply to Carlton’s Comprehensive Plan Update include: 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14. Goal 14: Urbanization governs growth and development and may answer some of the questions people had about that topic.

We will be presenting the draft Carlton Vision to City Council on Tuesday, July 5th at 6:00pm. More information will be available on the City Council Meeting Calendar as the date approaches.

Thank you.