City Community Updates

Weekly City of Carlton Community Updates

City Community Updates

Mega Phone with words

See the attached documents for a brief glimpse of Carlton City happenings throughout the week.

Some of the tidbits may change in timeline depending on contractors, meeting changes, or cancelation.

They will be listed in date order under the documents below. Enjoy!

City Community Updates

Mega Phone with words

See the attached documents for a brief glimpse of Carlton City happenings throughout the week.

Some of the tidbits may change in timeline depending on contractors, meeting changes, or cancelation.

They will be listed in date order under the documents below. Enjoy!

City Information Delivery survey

The Carlton City Council wants to improve city information delivery to our constituents .......that would be you. 

Over the years, city staff has used a variety of methods to send out information about city projects, events, financial and budget events, and other city activities. Each of those efforts has had varying degrees of success, but coverage has never been as high as we'd like.

City Community Updates

Mega Phone with words

See the attached documents for a brief glimpse of Carlton City happenings throughout the week.

Some of the tidbits may change in timeline depending on contractors, meeting changes, or cancelation.

They will be listed in date order under the documents below. Enjoy!

City of Carlton to Receive $5.8 Million From HB5006 for Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades

Carlton, Oregon – August 12, 2021 – In partnership with Representative Ron Noble, House District 24, the City of Carlton expects to receive $5.8 million towards the required wastewater plant upgrades.

“This is a great example of how our state legislators support their districts” said Mayor Watkins. “Especially for our state’s small, rural cities, when major infrastructure projects are required, the cities don’t have the income to pay for projects that run into the millions. We have to raise service rates on our already financially stretched citizens or find alternative sources...or both.”

The total estimated cost for all the necessary wastewater plant upgrades is $6.8 million.  The City of Carlton studied their utility rates and citizens had sustained substantial rate increases over the last three years.

“As a result of Representative Ron Noble’s dedicated support and partnership to secure $5.8 million dollars for the upgrade of Carlton’s wastewater treatment facility, we are able to provide our residents with high quality and reliable wastewater treatment infrastructure for many years to come,” said Council-President Ward-Mullen. “We are most grateful for his efforts on our behalf.”

The funding from HB5006 will not only allow the City to complete the significant required wastewater plant upgrades, but will also allow them to reexamine their utility rates and consider other needed infrastructure projects to protect the health of the City’s essential water and wastewater services.

For additional comments, concerns or questions, please contact City Hall at (503) 852-7575.

Heat Safety

As summer creeps in around the Willamette Valley, it is important to be prepared for any potential heat waves before they occur.

The City of Carlton always encourages its citizens to buddy up with our most vulnerable and at-risk citizens during extreme heat to help ensure their safety throughout any heat waves.  If you know of someone who needs to be checked on, please call the City of Carlton at 503-852-7575 for non-emergency welfare checks and, for emergencies, contact 911.  The Carlton Police Department often conducts safety checks on at-risk citizens that are reported to the City in addition to at-risk individuals that they are already aware of.  You may also call Chief Martinez at 503-852-3805 or 971-241-9152 and leave a message, if for some reason he doesn’t answer he will return your call in a timely manner.

To prevent illness and injuries, the Carlton Police Department recommends the following safety tips from the American Red Cross and National Safety Council:


Heat Safety Tips:

  • Hot cars can be deadly. Never leave children or pets in your vehicle. The inside temperature of the car can quickly reach over 100 degrees, even on a 70 degree day.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, like water.
  • Check on family, friends and neighbors who do not have air conditioning, who spend much of their time alone or who are more likely to be affected by the heat.


  • If someone doesn’t have air conditioning, they should seek relief from the heat during the warmest part of the day in places like libraries, theaters, malls, etc.
  • Wear loose-fitting, lightweight, light-colored clothing. Avoid dark colors because they absorb the sun’s rays.
  • Slow down, stay indoors and avoid strenuous exercise during the hottest part of the day, which is typically around 3 p.m.
  • Postpone outdoor games and activities if the temperature is too hot.
  • Avoid extreme temperature changes.
  • Take frequent breaks if working outdoors.
  • Check on animals frequently to ensure that they are not suffering from the heat. Make sure they have plenty of cool water.
  • Click here to learn to recognize and treat heat illnesses.

Additional Tips for Parents:

  • Don’t let cool temperatures fool you — parked cars can heat up quickly and become dangerous to a child inside a vehicle. When you park, always STOP what you’re doing, LOOK  in the back seat, and then LOCK  your vehicle.
  • A simple and lifesaving action: When you get out of the car, check the back seat. This “seemingly silly” parenting step can save a child’s life.
  • Unexpected routine changes can mess up a day or even a week! Make sure it doesn’t end a life. When you get out of a car, always check the back seat for your child.
  • If you see a child alone in a car, take action to get the child out! Some states have Good Samaritan laws that will protect you.
    • Call 911.
    • Get the child out of the car. 
    • Spray them with cool water (not an ice bath).
  • Summer months mean warmer weather and potentially dangerous temperatures. In just 10 minutes, the temps inside a car can increase 20°and be deadly to a child.
  • One in four child hot car deaths happen when a child gets trapped in a locked vehicle. Even on a cool day, a car’s temperature can become deadly in minutes.  Lock your vehicle doors and keep keys out of reach.
  • A car can look like a playground or a great hiding place to a curious child. To keep all kids safe, lock your vehicle doors and keep keys and fobs out of reach.
  • Limit playtime at peak sun exposure time and familiarize yourself with the signs of heat illnesses.
  • Avoid burns. If playground equipment is hot to the touch, it is too hot for your child’s bare skin.

Again, if you know of families, elderly individuals, or other potentially vulnerable citizens that the Carlton Police Department can be proactive about checking on, please contact Chief Martinez at 503-852-3805 or 971-241-5192 (please leave a message if no one answers) or send an email to We will stop by and check on them in a proactive manner so we can help make sure they have a safety plan in place.

Please see the document below for information on cooling centers that might be in your area.

City Community Updates

Mega Phone with words

See the attached documents for a brief glimpse of Carlton City happenings throughout the week.

Some of the tidbits may change in timeline depending on contractors, meeting changes, or cancelation.

They will be listed in date order under the documents below. Enjoy!

City Community Updates

Mega Phone with words

See the attached documents for a brief glimpse of Carlton City happenings throughout the week.

Some of the tidbits may change in timeline depending on contractors, meeting changes, or cancelation.

They will be listed in date order under the documents below. Enjoy!

City Community Updates

Mega Phone with words

See the attached documents for a brief glimpse of Carlton City happenings throughout the week.

Some of the tidbits may change in timeline depending on contractors, meeting changes, or cancelation.

They will be listed in date order under the documents below. Enjoy!

City Community Updates

Mega Phone with words

See the attached documents for a brief glimpse of Carlton City happenings throughout the week.

Some of the tidbits may change in timeline depending on contractors, meeting changes, or cancelation.

They will be listed in date order under the documents below. Enjoy!
