Streets and Transportation

Monroe street

The Street Department is responsible for maintaining the city's streets. Our employees work closely with several other City departments to positively impact the many residents and guests of our City. We are very proud of our hard-working employees and always look for ways to improve the services we provide.  

Highway 47 runs North and South through Carlton and is maintained by the Oregon Department of Transportation or ODOT.  Any issues or concerns with Highway 47 can be reported to ODOT by calling 1-888-275-6368 or visiting their website: 

Street Sweeping

Street sweeping helps maintain cleanliness, prevents pollution by removing pollutants before they enter storm drains, reduces the risk of flooding by keeping drainage systems clear, and improves public areas' overall aesthetics and safety. Because of these benefits, the city contracts with a street sweeping company to provide this service to citizens.

Residential street sweeping is scheduled for the first Wednesday of the month from March to December, and commercial street sweeping is scheduled for the first Tuesday of every month. This schedule can be subject to change depending on weather and equipment.

Please visit the City's calendar for the most recent schedule information:

Dust Abatement

Each year the Public Works team uses an environmentally safe and non-toxic solution to coat gravel and dirt streets to reduce the amount of dust generated on these roads. This lowers levels of particulate matter and improves air quality, visibility, and general safety for travelers and residents. The city has been providing this as a service to the community for more than 20 years and has even had an increase in requests for the service.

Roadside Trees & Vegetation

While trees and vegetation benefit citizens, maintenance is needed to ensure ongoing health, unobstructed sight lines, safe pedestrian and cyclist passage and uninterrupted city services.

The City of Carlton Code outlines tree and vegetation care responsibilities of property owners, contractors, and the City.

Any other city street issue or concern can be reported to City Hall or the Public Works Director by calling 503-852-3104.